Mission Carroll County Md. NAACP Branch #7014

Our mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Our vision is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination.

The NAACP works to educate all political candidates to support policies that improve access to quality education and economic opportunity, criminal justice reform, the environment, healthcare and youth empowerment, with a dedication to removing race-based hatred and discrimination from society.

For questions or more information, please contact me directly: kevindayhoff@gmail.com Kevin Dayhoff, Carroll County NAACP secretary. Thanks.

Carroll County NAACP Branch #7014 Executive Officers and Executive Board Nov. 10, 2016: https://ccnaacp7014.blogspot.com/2018/01/carroll-county-naacp-branch-7014.html

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccnaacp/

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality

Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality is a small, all volunteer organization. We pro-mote equality within our community and provide public programming that will in-crease understanding among diverse groups of people. We depend on donations from you who support our work in order to continue these efforts.

The CCRE Vision Statement: Helping to raise the level of understanding and sharing of the diverse culture that we enjoy in Carroll County

The mission of Carroll Citizens for Racial Equality (CCRE) is to promote racial equality and improve understanding in Carroll County through community networking, public education at the grassroots level, and positive opportunities for discourse.

Steering committee members represent various organizations and agencies in our county.

Please make a donation now at our page on the Community Foundation of Carroll County’s web-site at http://www.carrollcommunityfoundation.org/funds.asp?fund_id=107

Together we can make a difference for everyone in Carroll County.

Information provided by Erin Snell was very helpful in putting this email together. Thanks.

Sent by CC NAACP Branch 7014 Secretary Kevin Dayhoff. I can be reached at kevindayhoff@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/ccnaacp/

Find us on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/ccnaacp

NAACP Carroll Co. Branch #7014
255 Clifton Blvd., Suite 203
Westminster, MD 21157

NAACP STATEMENT ON ENDORSEMENTS OF POLITICAL CANDIDATES OR PARTIES BALTIMORE, MD – The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization and does not endorse candidates or political parties, or engage in direct campaigning.

October 19, 2017

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Mexican Folk Dance Group to perform at the Carroll Arts Center Sept. 16, 2017

Mexican Folk Dance Group to perform at the Carroll Arts Center Sept. 16, 2017

The Carroll County Arts Council is pleased to host Bailes de Mi Tierra (Dances of My Land) on Saturday, September 16 at 7 pm. Celebrate Mexican Independence Day with a live performance by this talented dance troupe who are ambassadors of the Latino Community. Their colorful costumes and lively music provide a rich representation of Mexican heritage and traditions.

Bailes de Mi Tierra’s mission is to preserve, promote, and present Mexican traditions through music, dance, and folklore. Accompanied with lively sounds of Mexican music, their repertoire includes vibrant dances from 6 regions of Mexico; Sinaloa, Jalisco, Veracruz, Norte (which includes dances from Chihuahua, and Tamaulipas), Chiapas, and tropical dances such as Cha-Cha-Cha & Cumbia.

Now in its 9th year, the group has performed in various venues throughout Baltimore and surrounding communities of Ellicott City, Columbia, and Washington, D.C. Bailes de Mi Tierra not only serves as ambassadors of the Mexican community but the entire Latino community of Baltimore by showcasing and demonstrating the beauty and richness that Latinos bring to Baltimore and beyond.

Sponsored by Becki & Joe Maurio.

Tickets for the performance are $10 Adults / $8 ages 25 & under, and ages 60 & Up. CCAC Members receive additional 10% off. Tickets can be purchased on line at www.CarrollCountyArtsCouncil.org or by calling 410/848-7272.

The Carroll Arts Center is located in a restored art deco movie theatre in downtown Westminster at 91 West Main Street.

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“Bailes de Mi Tierra – Mexican Folk Dance Group.” Sat. September 16 at 7 pm. Celebrate Mexican Independence Day with a performance by this talented dance troupe who are ambassadors of the Latino Community. Their colorful costumes and lively music provide a rich representation of Mexican heritage and traditions. $8-10. Carroll Arts Center, 91 W. Main St., Westminster, MD 21157. 410-848-7272. Online tickets and more info at www.CarrollCountyArtsCouncil.org

Art Artists Maurio Becky, People Maurio Becki, Art Artists Culture, World Mexico, Carroll Co Community Events, Art Carroll Arts Center,

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bud's at Silver Run Fundraiser

Come join us this Monday, May 10th form 6-8 at Bud's in Silver Run for house wine, draft beer, heavy appetizers, and non-alcoholic beverages! Contact Jean or Charlotte for tickets!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Join Us

This Thursday, April 22nd at 7pm in the 1st floor conference room of 255 Clifton Blvd. for our monthly meeting!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Continuing Education Award

Know a CCPS senior going to college this fall? Encourage them to pick up an application for our Continuing Education Award from their guidance counselor/office. Applications must be postmarked by April 18th.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Freedom Fund Banquet

Who: All are welcome
What: Freedom Fund Banquet
Where: Martin's Westminster
When: Friday, April 9th from 6:30-9:30 pm