Mission Carroll County Md. NAACP Branch #7014

Our mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Our vision is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination.

The NAACP works to educate all political candidates to support policies that improve access to quality education and economic opportunity, criminal justice reform, the environment, healthcare and youth empowerment, with a dedication to removing race-based hatred and discrimination from society.

For questions or more information, please contact me directly: kevindayhoff@gmail.com Kevin Dayhoff, Carroll County NAACP secretary. Thanks.

Carroll County NAACP Branch #7014 Executive Officers and Executive Board Nov. 10, 2016: https://ccnaacp7014.blogspot.com/2018/01/carroll-county-naacp-branch-7014.html

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccnaacp/

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Vaccination Clinic Sat. July 24, 2021 9 a.m. – 12 noon.

Vaccination Clinic Sat. July 24, 2021 9 a.m. – 12 noon.

The location for the vaccine is 160 S. Center Street Westminster, MD 21157.

Do you know family or friends that still need to be vaccinated?

Fairview UMC, Strawbridge UMC, Union Memorial Baptist Church, Union Street United Methodist Church, and West Falls Christian Community Church have joined with The Carroll County NAACP and the Carroll County Health Department to bring our community the COVID Vaccine because we know how important it is.

We are offering a free vaccine on July 24, 2021 to ages 12 and over. Come out and join us from 9:00am - 12:00pm. The location for the vaccine is 160 S. Center Street Westminster, MD 21157.

We Stand Together Because - We know the importance of Our Community

We Stand Together Because - Brown people matter

We Stand Together Because - It's not over!


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Tiombe Paige at Cutivated

Caroline and I were happy to have a chance to stop by to see our friend and former neighbor, Tiombe Paige, at Cutivated in historic downtown Westminster. Next stop, Giulianova Groceria for pit beef sandwiches. It was a great day in historic downtown Westminster. May 22, 2021 Saturday.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Westminster Downtown Farmers'Market

It is wonderful to have the Westminster Downtown Farmers' Market begin a new season. We saw so many friends and really enjoyed getting outside to spend time with local vendors. Hats off to the newly elected Mayor Mona Becker and looking forward to another season with the market's manager and huge downtown Main Street promoter Brooke Hagerty. Thanks for all your great leadership. Sat. May 15, 2021

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

National Vietnam War Veterans Day March 29

National Vietnam War Veterans Day March 29, 1973: 

Today - March 29th is National Vietnam War Veterans Day, marking the day U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, disestablished on March 29, 1973. 

Caroline and I stopped by the Vietnam Memorial at Willis and Court Street over the weekend and cleaned-up the area. This is the 4th year of Vietnam Veterans Day – I think in the future we ought to hold a small ceremony at the memorial like we do for Memorial Day, Veterans Day and over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. 

This year, for Woman's History Month and National Vietnam War Veterans Day, I wrote a story about Barbara Robbins. Robbins is something of a legend - in a hushed tone of voice - in the agency. I have always found this story so haunting and sad: Barbara Robbins was the first female killed in the line of duty in Vietnam. Please find the story here: https://www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/carroll/lifestyles/cc-lt-dayhoff-032121-20210319-zsdd6doivjadbi275p234jsqyy-story.html

Mission BBQ opened today in Westminster

Mission BBQ opened today in Westminster where Friendly's Restaurant used to be located at 584 Jermor Way

Friendly's had closed at that location on Nov. 27, 2018. According to an article in the Carroll County Times on Nov. 28, 2018, "The company that was founded in 1935 the middle of the Great Depression in Springfield, Massachusetts, and would become Friendly Ice Cream Corp. filed for bankruptcy in 2011, according to the Wall Street Journal.."

It was a great day. At 12-noon, Westminster Police Officer Terrence McGowan sang the National Anthem as fire equipment surrounded the restaurant and Westminster Fire Department Tower 3 flew the American Flag. 

Vietnam vets were treated to sandwich. Mission BBQ chose to open today - March 29th on National Vietnam War Veterans Day, marking the day U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, disestablished on March 29, 1973.